732-917-2954 • Fax: 609-208-2903
Michael Balkovic, Recreation Coordinator; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Recreation Philosophy

It is the desire of this commission to provide recreational opportunities for the whole community. We feel strongly that all recreational activities sponsored through the Recreation Commission must provide instruction and opportunity equally to all participants. We recognize the competitive aspect of all sports programs, but believe that competition must be secondary to the recreational needs of the participants. To this end, all sports programs sponsored by the Recreation Commission must provide equal opportunities for every child in the area of instruction, playing time, and skill development.

The council will make an effort to have a variety of recreational opportunities available to as many township residing participants as reasonably possible.  The commission will consider all reasonable and feasible requests brought forth by the citizens of the township.  Each approved activity will have a goal to be financially self sustaining so that recreation is on a true pay to play basis excepting extenuating circumstances and start up programs in the first couple years of inception.

          The individual commissioners will act as a decision making body to achieve the above goals to the best of their ability.

Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan - Final Report, July 2007 

Recreation Commission meetings are held the first Monday of every month unless otherwise noted. All Executive Sessions will be held at 7:00 PM & Public Sessions at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held at the Millstone Township Municipal courtroom located at 215 Millstone Road, Millstone Township, NJ 08535 unless otherwise noted below.