Mayor & Committee

The current Millstone Township Committee consists of the following members: Al Ferro (Mayor), Chris Morris (Deputy Mayor), Eric Davis, Tara Zabrosky and Jeff Ziner

The Millstone Township Committee is made up of five elected officials. Township residents elect a new committee-person every 3 years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. At the Reorganization meeting each year (first meeting in January), the committee elects a Mayor and Deputy Mayor, each of whom serve a term of one year or until the election and qualification of a successor.

The Township Committee is Millstone's legislative body. It sets policies, approves budgets, determines municipal tax rates, and passes resolutions and ordinances to govern the town. The Committee also appoints citizen volunteers to advisory boards, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, committees, and commissions. The Committee may investigate the conduct of any department, officer or agency of the municipal government. They have full power of subpoena permitted by state statute.

The Township Committee meets in formal session in the Meeting Room, 215 Millstone Road, Millstone Township, NJ on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. It also conducts business at "Special" Meetings called by the Mayor or voted upon by the Committee. All Township Committee meetings are open to the public, except portions of meetings in which legal, land acquisition, or personnel matters are discussed. At every regularly scheduled Committee Meeting the Public is given an opportunity to address the Committee and voice concerns or opinions on proposed resolutions and ordinances under consideration by the Committee. The agenda for Township Committee meetings is available in the Municipal Clerk's office 48 hours prior to a meeting and can also be viewed on this website in the Events Calendar Page or Agendas/Minutes page. The opportunities for speaking before the Committee are identified in the agenda.

2025 Township Committee

(Please note:  Some Liaison positions have a Primary and Secondary)

Al Ferro, Mayor
732-446-4249 x 3202
01/01/23 - 12/31/25
Liaison To: Board of Education (Secondary); Construction Department (Secondary); County & State Agencies (Primary); Dept. of Public Works/Buildings & Grounds/Recycling (Secondary); Finance (Secondary); Fire & First Aid (Primary); Office of Emergency Management; State Police; Class I Member Planning Board

Chris Morris, Deputy Mayor
732-446-4249 x 3204
1/1/24 - 12/31/26
Liaison To: Agricultural Advisory Council (Primary); Community Newsletter/WebSite/Cable TV (Secondary); Dept. of Public Works/Buildings & Grounds/Recycling (Primary); Fire & First Aid (Secondary); Historic Preservation Commission; Municipal Court; Parks & Recreation Commission (Primary)

Eric Davis
732-446-4249 x 3200
01/01/25 – 12/31/27
Liaison To: Construction Department (Primary); County & State Agencies (Secondary); Environmental Commission; Finance (Primary); Shade Tree Commission

Tara Zabrosky
732-446-4249 x 3201
01/01/25 – 12/31/27
Liaison To: Agricultural Advisory Council (Secondary); COAH (Primary); Health, Safety and Welfare (Primary); Open Space Preservation Council; Personnel (Secondary); Senior Citizens; Class III Member Planning Board

Jeff Ziner
732-446-4249 x 3203
1/1/24 - 12/31/26
Liaison To: Board of Education (Primary); COAH (Secondary); Community Newsletter/WebSite/Cable TV (Primary); Drug Alliance; Health/Safety/Welfare (Secondary); Parks and Recreation Commission (Secondary); ; Personnel (Primary)