Nick Procaccini, Zoning Officer

Municipal Code Book

Use the search engine of the online Municipal Codebook to search keywords such as "fence" to get information regarding fences.

Zoning regulations for properties can be found by searching the specific zoning district. If you are not sure what zoning district is applied to the property, please refer to the Zoning Map or contact the Zoning Officer.

Tree Clearing Permit Application

Any person proposing to remove a tree shall make application to the Township by filing a written Tree Removal Permit Application with the Township Land Use Department. Before you cut down your trees or clear an area of brush, please take a moment please and read our “Tree Clearing” Ordinance. 

Ordinance No. 23-16 was adopted on 12/6/2023 and can be found in Chapter XXXV, Land Use, Article 11, Section 11-25 Tree Removal.   Millstone Township desires to protect and preserve the scenic beauty and natural environment of the Township; prevent erosion of topsoil and sedimentation in waterways; ensure quality development; provide shade and wildlife habitat; reduce pollution; sequester carbon; reduce light pollution, and decrease noise. The primary intent of this ordinance is to ensure that there will be a significant population of healthy trees within the Township. This ordinance establishes permitting policies and procedures for removal and protection of trees, defines heritage trees and specifies penalties for violation. 

When required, a written Report of findings with recommendations by a NJ Licensed Tree Expert (LTE) or Professional Forrester should include:
   *  Date of Report
   *  Property Address
   *  Report should identify the species, size (dbh) and health of each tree proposed to be removed along with the reason(s) for recommendations for removal
   *  Name of LTE or Professional Forrester, License type/number and Signature of person preparing the Report
§35-11-25 Tree Removal Ordinance
Millstone Township Recommended Tree Planting List
Millstone Township Heritage Tree Standards
Tree Removal Permit Application
Thank you for being a partner in protecting the Township's Natural Resources.

Zoning Permit Application

Zoning permits shall be secured from the office of the Zoning Officer prior to construction, erection or alteration of any structure, building or sign; or part of a structure or building; or upon a change in the use of a structure, building or land. A Zoning Permit must be applied for and received simultaneously with or before the issuance of any building permit or Certificate of Occupancy. No Zoning Permit shall be issued if any taxes or assessments for local improvements are due or delinquent on the property for which the application for a Zoning Permit is made. In the event any portion of the construction, erection or alteration of any structure shall include activity described in Article 10 (of the Municipal Codebook), no Zoning Permit shall be issued until acceptable performance guarantees are posted.

Municipal Maps

 Quick Reference Guides for Zoning

Accessory Structure Guide
Plot Plan Requirements
Rain Garden Detail Sample
Zoning Schedule of Area, Yard and Building Requirements