
Recycling Calender

Dan Specht, Recycling Coordinator

Guide to Handling, Disposing and Recycling Asbestos


Please be advised that the recycling vendor has instituted a more stringent adherence to recycling regulations and guidelines. These are not new regulations or guidelines they simply have not been strictly enforced in the past.

  • Recycling containers must be no larger than 32 gallons. More than one container is acceptable.
  • Items must be loosely placed in the container. Empty or flat cardboard may be off to the side-no styrofoam, bubble wrap, plastic wrap or other package fillers.
  • Plastic bags are not recyclable in single stream recycling and should not be in the container.
  • Non single stream recycling items in your container may result in the vendor forgoing your pick-up.

Please download the Recycle Coach App: as a helpful tool for recycling questions. 

The Recycling Center is located at the Department of Public Works, 899 Perrineville Road.  The Convenience Center takes all curbside recyclables, cardboard, and electronics.

The Recycling Center is located at the Department of Public Works,
899 Perrineville Road.

Wednesday: 11a.m. - 3 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day

Mandated Recycling flyer
Monmouth County Reclamation Center
Monmouth County Recycling Guide
Cleaning out Your Closets – Think Green!
NJDEP Air, Energy and Materials Sustainability




Official Notice:
To Residents and Businesses of Millstone Township

Recycling complaints / missed pick-up:
Call Interstate Waste Services at 1-866-342-5497

Recycling is mandated by the State, County and Municipal Statutes.

Millstone Township must continue to recycle to meet aggressive recycling goals set by the state and county. As the Deputy Recycling Coordinator of the Township, my responsibility is to continue to strive to meet those goals by aggressively enforcing Township ordinances. Random inspections within the Township resulted in citations being issued for lack of compliance with Chapter 19, SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT, of the Revised General Ordinances, Township of Millstone. Some brief passages from this section follow:

"It shall be mandatory for all persons, who are owners, lessees, or occupants of residential property, to separate newspapers, glass bottles and jars, tin and bi-metal cans, plastic containers, aluminum cans, and corrugated cardboard as hereafter defined from all other solid waste produced by such residence for collection and ultimate recycling of materials."

"Solid waste" Solid waste shall mean and include all garbage and rubbish normally produced by the occupants of commercial, industrial and residential property and disposed of by private or public pick-up.

"Proof of collection service "Proof of collection service shall mean a written record, log, bill or document evidencing receipt of service for the collection of solid waste for the preceding month from a person lawfully engaging in private solid waste collection services within the Township.

"Violations and penalties. Any person, firm or corporation who violates or neglects to comply with any provision of this section or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto, shall be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter I, Section 1-5." (Fines could be as much as $2,000.00 for non-compliance)

Note:  Court appearance may be required for summons.

I urge you to continue to do your part in keeping Millstone Township clean and to show that we are an "Environmentally Concerned Community".

Dan Specht, Recycling Coordinator

  • Please place curbside on recycle days only before 5:00 AM
  • Trash Hauler cannot pick up recyclables with trash.
  • Recycling complaints / missed pick-up:
    Call Central Jersey Waste & Recycling at 609-771-8005
  • Corrugated cardboard is a designated recyclable. All cardboard must be placed curbside on designated recycling day.

Monmouth County Reclamation Center

Veteran Car Donations
Goodwill Car Donation
Wheels for Wishes
Cars to Cure Breast Cancer
Recycling Materials
Hazardous Waste Management in Monmouth County
Monmouth County Recycling
Electronics Recycling
