Please be advised that Monmouth County Stavola Contracting will be starting phase 2 of Construction on CR527 (Smithburg Road) from County Bridge MN-4 to House Number 166 for Site #15 and on CR527A (Smithburg Road) from House Number 224 to SH Route 33 for Site #16 of the 2022 Monmouth County Resurfacing Project #F-49-2022

Construction will tentatively Start on 8/15/22 and should be completed by 8/22/22. Construction will include but is not limited to the following:

  • Milling & Paving of Roadway with Working hours from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
  • Striping of Roadway with Working hours from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • Electrical work if and directed by Monmouth County.

Thank You.


Construction Dept
470 Stage Coach Road
Millstone Township, NJ 08510

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Phone: (732) 446-4249
Address: 470 Stage Coach Road
Millstone Township, NJ 08510