The Millstone Township Environmental Commission meets the Second Monday of the month and fourth Tuesday when needed. Meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Court Building. Formal action may be taken at these meetings.
The Millstone Township Committee and the Environmental Commission would like to congratulate the Millstone Township Elementary School Community Problem Solving Team’s 2-year project focused on “Stopping the Spread of Spotted Lanternflies”. The Team placed second in their International Conference competition this year. It was held virtually and students competed from 10 countries! Please visit the Environmental Commission webpage for more details at https://www.facebook.com/millstoneec/.
Millstone Township Environmental Commission is seeking volunteers to be appointed as a member of our Commission. Click here and complete the Talent Bank Form and submit to the Township Administrator Kevin Abernethy at twpadm@millstonenj.gov.
Spotted Lanternfly Hits New Stage: How To Spot The Pests In NJ | Patch
- How do I kill spotted lanternflies?
- What to Know about the Spotted Lanternfly and the Tree Heaven
- How to trap NJ’s pesky spotted lanternflies using only a water bottle
- 7 reasons why you need to kill the spotted lanternflies
- Catch and Kill NJ Spotted Lanternflys with this Trap
- How do I kill a spotted lanternfly? 5 ways to try. - nj.com
- Crush this bug - spotted lanternfly at vulnerable stage in NJ right now
- Millstone Township NJ Environmental Commission | Facebook
- Conservation Easement Brochure 2020
- Homeowner’s Guide to Septic Systems
For further information contact Commission Secretary Marianne Heyesey at e-mail address: Mariannehy@gmail.com