Building Department
The Construction Office is open from 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday – Friday. The inspectors are out in the field during the course of the day (see Field Hours below).
The Construction Department is responsible for enforcing the regulations of the State Uniform Construction Code, which was established by the State of New Jersey to ensure that new construction (commercial, industrial and residential) adhere to minimum standards of workmanship and safety. The Construction Department inspectors review structural construction, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and electric work prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy to ensure compliance with IBC 2021, IRC 2021, NSPC 2021, NEC 2020, NFPA 2020, IFG 2021 and State Uniform Construction Code. State inspectors are used to perform elevator inspections.
The Township is now offering online payments and inspection requests through the GovPilot Portal.
Online Inspection Requests (click here)
If you have any issues using the portal to schedule inspections, please contact us directly at 732-917-2953.
Please note that you can pay for fees (except COAH) by Visa/MasterCard (debit/credit card) or check. Service fees charged.
Township Inspectors and their daily office hours are as follows:
Area of Responsibility | Official | Contact Hours |
Building Inspector Building Subcode Official |
Scott D’Amico |
Monday - Friday: |
Code Enforcement Official | Dan Specht 732-917-2955 |
Monday-Friday: Office Hours: 8:30am – 4:00pm |
Construction Office | 732-917-2953 | Monday - Friday: Office Hours: 8:30am – 4:00pm |
Electrical Inspector/ Electrical Subcode Official |
Romeo Montano 732-917-2953 |
Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30am – 3:00pm |
Fire Protection Inspector/ Subcode Official |
Robert Weber 732-917-2953 |
Wednesday: Inspections from 5:30pm - 7:30pm |
Plumbing Inspector Plumbing Subcode Official |
Dennis Gibson 732-917-2953 |
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10:00am – 2:00pm |
Township Engineer | Matt Shafai 732-446-4249 x 1104 |
Thursday: Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:00pm |
Zoning Officer | Nick Procaccini 732-446-4249 x 1503 |
Tuesday - Friday: 8:30am – 4:30pm |
Contact the Construction Office if you need to schedule an appointment to meet with any inspector.
Online Construction Application - TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE
A Notice From The Construction Office
It is unlawful to construct, enlarge, repair, renovate, alter, reconstruct or demolish a structure or to install or alter any equipment which is regulated by the Uniform Construction Code without first filing an application with the Construction Official and obtaining the required construction permit. Construction permits are valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of issuance and become invalid if the work is suspended for a period of six (6) months.
Projects that require a construction permit are not complete until final inspections are made and a Certificate of Occupancy/Approval is issued by the Construction Official. In accordance with N. J. State Law, a building which has been erected, renovated or altered shall not be occupied or used in whole or part until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Construction Official.
The permit fees collected when obtaining the construction permit include necessary inspections being made by various construction inspectors. Don’t cheat yourself by not calling for final inspections. N. J. State Law, N.J.A.C. 13 :45A -16.2, requires that final inspections be made before final payment is made to the contractor. Without final inspections you will not receive the necessary Certificate of Occupancy/Approval.
Certificate of Occupancy is required for any resale of a single family dwelling. A smoke detector certification application is available at the building department that is required by the State of New Jersey.
Important Notification
Be advised that Millstone Township has adopted Ordinance (#10-17) that takes affect immediately and will be enforced starting July 7, 2010. The Ordinance states that a COI (Certificate of Inspection) certificate shall be required prior to the sale of any building and prior to the rental of any building within Millstone Township.
Prior to issuance of any such certificate, the enforcing agency shall conduct a records inspection to ensure that there are no open construction permits on subject premises. Certificates are valid up to six (6) months from date of issuance.
The applicant shall submit the written application at least ten business days prior to the change of ownership and/or occupancy on the form provided by the Township with a two hundred fifty-dollar ($250) fee, made payable to Millstone Township to cover administrative costs.
Any questions please contact the Construction Department.
Building shall mean all houses and dwellings, stores and business places, and other buildings, which front upon any street in the Township.
General Building Information
If you are building, remodeling, or adding onto your house or business, it must be done in accordance with the State Uniform Construction Code and generally requires a building permit. Visit or call ( 732-917-2953 ) the Construction Dept. during the planning stages of your project, well before you begin construction, to make sure that you are proceeding according to Code and do not need to appear before the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment. An early visit will eliminate unnecessary delays in completing your project. For example, if you are creating a non-conforming use you will be required to apply for a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
You may need to survey your lot and provide copies of your plans to the Construction Dept., especially if it is a large project. All completed construction permit applications must include a copy of the proposal for the project. When your plans are complete, the appropriate inspector will examine them and may ask for changes to comply with the Code. These changes may involve such things as using different building materials or using different building methods.
Construction Permit Application Process
The first step in obtaining a construction permit is to pick up a permit package from the Construction Dept.. The permit package will be customized based on the type of construction that you plan on performing. Be sure to completely fill out the supplied forms and adhere to the application requirements set forth below. Submit the permit package and all required documentation along with the appropriate zoning to the Construction Dept.
Your application will be checked for zoning compliance and, if applicable, reviewed by the Engineer with regard to their regulations. When approved by the Zoning Officer, the permit package will be forwarded to the Construction Dept. who will call the homeowner when the permit is ready to be picked up. Once you have met the requirement for a building permit and paid the applicable fees, the construction permit is issued and construction can begin. During construction, you will receive routine on-site inspections to ensure your project is progressing in a safe and reliable manner. Homeowner or contractor is responsible to call the Construction Dept. to schedule all required inspections. If the project is completed in accordance with the Code, the Construction Official will issue a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Approval.
Permit Application Requirements - All Permits
- Completed Application
- Two surveys of the property (not enlarged or reduced) with the proposed construction drawn in to scale and dimensioned. The survey must have the following certification written upon it and signed and dated by the property owner: "I hereby certify that this is a true and exact representation of my property as it exists today".
- Detailed drawing of the proposed construction.
- Copy of estimate or list of materials and total cost.
- Payment of building permit application fee (which can consists of building, electric, fire and/or plumbing permits).
- Signed Application for Zoning Approval Form.
- A letter from the property owner authorizing agent to act on his or her behalf if required (if builder/contractor is acting on behalf of the property owner).
In accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.23, no pool shall be used in whole or in part until a Certificate of Approval has been issued by the Construction Official.
I certify that I am the owner of the above referenced pool being built. I further certify that the pool will not be used in whole or in part until a permanent fence is installed and a Certificate of Approval has been issued by the Construction Official.
I have read the fence requirements listed below and understand them.
Owner's Signature
print name
Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of -20
notary signature
- Two copies of the plot plan showing location of the building, well septic system, addition, deck, fencing, barn, etc. (Full Plot Plan Requirements)
- Two copies of architectural drawings showing construction details, elevations, mechanical, etc.
- Letter from Freehold Soil Conservation District, where applicable.
- All permit applications filled out and sealed as required.
- Mechanical drawings of proposed gas piping showing size of all piping, length of all pipe sections and BTU’S of all gas appliances connected to system.
- Isometric drawing of proposed plumbing waste and vent system.
- Well permit and septic permit from Freehold Health Department.
- Copy of builder’s current registration card, copy of electrical contractor’s current license card, copy of plumbing contractor’s current license card.
- Information regarding the grading of property for engineering department review. This information is normally found on the septic system design plans and should be submitted with the building application.
- Subsurface soil investigation report (soil boring) taken inside the building foundation footprint showing elevation of finished floor, elevation of basement floor, elevation of bottom of footing, elevation of bottom of boring and elevation to ground water. This report must be signed and sealed by professional engineer.
- Diagram showing section of masonry fireplace, if applicable.
- Installation specifications for prefab fireplaces and all fuel burning appliances including furnaces, boilers, hot water heaters and gas fireplaces.
- Heating technical section filled out completely.
- BTU heat loss calculations.
- Signed copy of required inspection form.
- Each single family dwelling shall be substantially different in exterior design and appearance from any existing or proposed neighboring dwellings. See Ordnance 98-18
A construction permit shall be issued only after the approval of all the Subcode officials and upon the construction official signing same. Construction may begin only after the construction permit has been paid for and issued.
As Per N.J.A.C. 5:23 - 2.18
The owner or other responsible person in charge of work shall notify the enforcing agency when the work is ready for any required inspection specified herein or required by the construction official or appropriate subcode official. This notice shall be given at least 24 hours prior to the time the inspection is desired. Inspections shall be performed within three business days of the time for which it was scheduled. The work shall not proceed in a manner which will preclude the inspection until it has been made.
- Footings: Before concrete is poured.
- Foundation Location (as built) survey, including top of block elevation, is required and must have engineer’s seal. You must submit this before you call for a foundation inspection. Anchor bolts shall be installed as per plan.
- Foundation inspection – before backfill.
- Radon installation for new structures & additions.
- Slab: Concrete basement slab, garage slab and slab on grade construction for all living space. Vapor Barrier required, in basement and attached garages welded wire fabric or equivalent required.
- Open deck: inspection required for crawl spaces.
- Pre-sheathing: straps and bracing on studs.
- Sheathing: spacing & nailing as per code. Windows must be installed.
- Throat inspection: The throat must be left open on both sides for masonry only.
- Rough Plumbing: All tubs installed, all waste piping water tested to top of all tubs, water piping and gas piping pressure tested with test pressures posted by gauge.
- Rough Electric: Any and all trenching, any and all low voltage systems including, but not limited to telephone, CCTV,CATV, fire alarm, burglar alarm, intercom, stereo systems, central vacuum, computer, etc. NOTE if any of this installation is performed by other than electrical sub code permit applicant (form f-120B) a separate application will be required subject to all inspections.
- Electric service inspection is scheduled through the building department, You must have your “WR” number before the inspection will be made.
- Rough Frame and Fire inspection: Chimney pre-fab flue clearance and firestops. House to have approved siding. Call for this inspection only after all rough inspections have been approved.
- Insulation:
- Final Electric:
- Sewer Line: Line must be left uncovered for inspection from house to septic tank.
- Final Plumbing: All fixtures installed, gas meter installed, water heater turned on, water conditioning equipment installed. Hot water temperature must be 120 degrees F @ kitchen faucet.
- Final Fire:
- Final Building for certificate of occupancy: AFTER all other finals HAVE PASSED.
- Final “as built”, with engineer’s seal, showing: Septic, Gray water, Well, Finished floor elevation.
- Final certificate of compliance from Monmouth County Health Depart. for septic & well. 732-431-7456
- Soil compliance from Freehold Soil Conservation District 732-863-8500
- Final survey and final grading plan for engineering department. Township engineer will make final inspection of site which will include final grading, stabilization, splash blocks, curbing, driveway, apron, etc. This inspection shall be scheduled through the building department.
- Home warranty from registered builder or waiver from owner if house was built by owner and will be occupied by same.
- Application for Certificate of Occupancy.
Procedure For Removing Or Abandoning Residential Heating Oil Tanks
Because all homes in Millstone Township use well water, we recommend removing underground oil storage tanks so the soil can be checked for contamination. It is a violation of the Uniform Construction Code to remove or abandon an oil tank without first applying for a construction permit from the Building Department. Following are the recommended procedures, which are reprinted from a bulletin received from the Department of Community Affairs.
Example A - Aboveground Tank Removal
1. Remove oil from tank.
2. Cut oil tank in half by removing top.
3. Remove sludge after squeegeeing.
4. Hand wipe inside of tank clean.
5. Remove tank (and fill and vent pipes if separate) and dispose at proper facility (most scrap metal yards will accept cleaned storage tanks).
6. Dispose of all sludge, water, etc., at a licensed facility. Have oil reclaimed or dispose of it at a licensed facility.
Example B - Underground Tank Removal
1. Remove oil from tank.
2. Excavate tank.
3. Cut hole in tank of adequate size to permit cleaning.
4. Enter and squeegee tank.
5. Remove sludge after squeegeeing.
6. Hand wipe inside of tank clean.
7. Remove tank (and fill and vent pipes if separate).
8. Check tank for visible leaks and determine if there is contaminated soil.
9. Backfill hole.
10. Dispose of tank at proper facility (most scrap metal yards will accept cleaned storage tanks).
11. Dispose of all sludge, water, etc., at a licensed facility. Have oil reclaimed or dispose of it at a licensed facility.
Example C - Underground Tank - Petrofill Foam and Cement Slurry