Environmental Commission Mission Statement

Your Millstone Township Environmental Commission (MTEC) is “concerned with the protection and preservation of our environment and its natural resources by fostering environmental awareness, understanding and appreciation. The MTEC recognizes the importance of sound environmental policies and activities in maintaining the highest possible standards and best management practices. Integral to our mission is our advocacy of preservation of the qualities of life afforded by a rural environment.”

Our volunteer membership promotes the principles of our mission statement in many ways, some of which include:

  1. Evaluate and advise, stakeholders regarding issues of environmental quality for existing or new construction.
  2. Monitoring land, air and water quality including testing.
  3. Proposition of suggested ordinances to correct and/or maintain environmental standards.
  4. Cooperative coordination with appropriate boards, councils and commissions to affect change.
  5. Support open space initiatives, including inventory and preservation.
  6. Maintain relationships neighboring environmental commissions as appropriate.
  7. Serving as a community resource through educational programs, publications and meetings.
  8. Conduct annual cleanups of stream banks.
  9. Secure funding of available applicable grants where appropriate.

As stated above this is YOUR Township commission, and your comments or suggestions are always welcomed.

Millstone Township Environmental Commission

470 Stage Coach Road
Millstone Township, NJ 08510